Sunday, September 11, 2011

Exercises 18 Colours into tones 2

Colours into tones -2 

This is the garden shot , as most do not much to make an interesting image. 

 The default image taken from the black and white setting in aperture 3

Here I have taken the green leaves and lighten them by fist using the yellow then green and then red. the Hue then saturation, Luminance and lastly, slight range.

Taking this one step further, I used the Black and white sliders, first by fist adjusting the high and low clip, with he channel adjustments, Red, green and Blue . Then going back and using the above Hue settings etc.

I found the the Red, Green, and Blue, For the Black and white, made a vast change on the highlight and lowlight clipping. Only a slight variance took the photograph into burning out highlights or blackening the shadow areas.

Once I had obtained a balance between the two. The other settings 
more so green and yellow, pulled the leaves into a much lighter tone or eliminating what would have been dark green. Giving this final result.