Friday, June 24, 2011

Your own work flow. Lesson 2

Same as before in lesson 1. This time, an open shoot, any subject,  Like a location, holiday, or an event, that the amount  of shots taken are unpredictable. With out using any structured work flow. The taking of the pictures remains open.

A 7 day trip.


Prep same as above. Less the car. 

Equipment small bag. List full range lenses from 10 to 200 mm
gorilla try pod,
Cable release . batteries charged _ charger. lens cloths, and blower.
Torch for night shots as Its a city.
All memory cards formatted ready.

Lap top clear of junk and room for down loads.

The location is unknown to me . So I need to be ready for anything.

My Aim:
To capture the culture and land scape , city , and culture.
Early morning . Through to the setting sun

Work and play, Eating and rest .

Architecture: ( This will be the main focus point ) As the city is well developed.


Just back from Shenzhen:

Things did not go to plan. First Air Aisa Lost us one night, No Visas , and had to stay over night out side the air port that had nothing that I could find to photograph. Flying next morning . The city had 3 or 4 nice building most we had no time to see. Girlfriend not interested in architecture. The culture,  very modern and boring for china, and so  boring to look at,
so we turned to the Theme parks, I have never been a snapper. And hate snap shots, But pressured to take photos, 'picture of me " here there and everywhere. She asked ,  And thats what the trip landed up to be.

Well as it was meant to be My assignment . I am going to use what I have taken. The culture shows at the parks were nice. Although the most beautiful of them, no one was allowed to take photographs.

So I made the best of what was available:  Even with some pre planning . Events  never seem to go to plan.

Next thing due, was what to shoot . RAW or J Peg . Mostly I RAW, Due to low light, I had to use High ISO and Jpeg to allow fast buffering time.

Final result and conclusion :
If you want to take pro photographs, and stick to a plan . Inform the Girl friend or wife. Even then, take another point and shoot camera. As all you get is"take a Picture of me here " grrrr
Day 1 landed up in city gardens. Not able to speak or read chinese. I was in her hands. Being that she is chinese. And then chinese is not always understood by many chinese.
Second day . Location :
The eye of the world. An amazing place . Up the Eiffel Tower to observe and assess the area, and up again at sun set.
The day yielded some interesting photographs, and many photos of the girl friend. Umm.
shot on J peg . Then back to raw. Allot to think about. keeping my eye on possible artistic settings angles  or people.
 The play.
My first chance to use digital in a show with flood lights and action. The H setting for ISO yielded exiting results as it did in the later shoot.

Night shots were wonderful.
3rd day. Shopping. In hope to capture culture . Sadly kayos and jumble . All old culture hidden or built over. A disappointment. So I turned my camera to the modern Architecture.
The afternoon was then spent at the village .

Hanging colour and china lanterns . Although this gave me chance to explore angle . The village was not much and to many repairs, and bins in the way.
So moving in close and separating viewpoints.
We went to a play, So much colour . This was torture, As signs were shown and walked about stating . 'NO PHOTOGRAPHS!"

Over all . A Work flow helps you plan. And prepare, However as I have been an events and wedding photographer before. Be prepared as anything can happen.

Worse thing about open subject photography, and down loading editing on location. You cannot always see the detail and focus . The image is to small. On the other hand, the lap top , Saves space and clears your cards.

But the subject matter being random.  I sooner know whats going on what where and when!

6 x 4GB DVD to back up and save the originals.

The go through them all. Deleting any that are not worthy.

Convert the raw to jpeg  for unimportant work. Save Raw and large jpeg files for post processing.

I like the old saying Make a plan go with the plan.

Just some samples of the shoot over the 3 days.

This was the file folder out lay.

Shenzhen city. 

The Culture  village 

(C) For use by the OCA and my use only.